Week 1: I’m cofounding a company

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s official, I’m starting a company. Well, me and my cofounder.

Although this is something I’ve always wanted to do, I’m not a risk-taker at heart. I’d be remiss if I didn’t extend a heartfelt thanks for everyone I worked with at my previous employer and for all the wonderful lessons they taught me. I worked with some truly amazing people there and created some really cool stuff. I would not be ready to start a company today if I hadn’t had that experience.

One of the many reasons that I originally took my previous role was to get more exposure to early stage startups and gain some experience so I could do it myself. Why else sacrifice the pay and ease of a big company?

Over the last few years, I’ve had many ideas myself on what business to start, and politely declined a few potential cofounders that didn’t feel like good fits. But a few months ago, I came in contact with an idea and cofounder I believe in, and decided it was time. It was time to give it a go

What’s that company? It’s called Masset and I’m cofounding it with the extremely talented Ben Ard. While I’m sure it’ll evolve over time, our founding motto is this:

Bring the simplicity of PPC measurement to the world of content.

– Ben and Tyler, Co-Founders of Masset

Content marketing continues to grow, and with the explosion of generative AI, measuring and extracting value out of it is only getting harder. Exponentially harder in some cases. We aim to solve that.

How do we that? We’ve got idea of lot’s of ways! And also… well, we’re a startup! We’re still searching that out. That’s what customer feedback and discovery are for. 😄

This is a blog about my personal experiences attempting to build a company. There are interesting things that happen to cofounders and I hope my experience can help buoy others in the space. The thoughts and perspectives are my own, but hopefully the experience will be educational for everyone.
